Regular exercise and workouts are necessary to maintain a healthy body. We can achieve the desired physique and get into old clothes again by following it in our day-to-day life. But, those who have a busy schedule and hectic lives find difficult to go for any fitness plan in their daily life. The thought of fitness workout plans threatens them. The pictures of the gym usually rise upon seeing a greatly fit person with flat abs and sculpted bodies. Fitness workout plans do not mean spending long hours in the gym and working out. It simply means a proper workout schedule that fits according to the needs of an individual. It is important to make proper routine and follow it with dedication and sincerity to attain desired results and shape. Motivate yourself throughout the workout regime to successfully attain the journey to get fit and fine. Today, home workout routines are popular and in great demand. It saves time and money to go to the gym. They are for both males and...